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Title: Stereotypes
Author: Dennie Carpenter
Date Submitted: 6/23/2012
Email: dennieroycarpenter@gmail.com

Poem: Among millions with a mental illness.
Scaling buildings high powered rifle,
pipe bomb grenades.
All a fairy tale belief.
No loss of innocent lives.
Is it odd I talk to myself?
John Lennon visions of love.
They didn''t take him away!
Why judge a dreamer?
I''m not the only one!
I see things that aren''t there.
I see things that are not real.
I cannot sleep as I should.
Insomnia the latest craze
In a world gone mad.
You cannot put a face on love.
Please define "normal" for me.
Don''t stare at me and think I''m insane
We all have a sickness to blame....